We feel pleasure in introducing ourselves as manufacturers of high quality Masonic Regalia.


The foundation of this enterprise was laid by our great grandfather in 1951, who in starting it was motivated as much by his artistic and creative impulses as by business considerations. For last four generations, the tradition of bringing out the full splendor of Masonic Regalia through intricate and sophisticated embroidery work involving the delicate use of fine golden / silver bullion and silk threads, has been continued uninterrupted.


Our experience speaks for itself. Since we started in 1951, we have built a good reputation in overseas markets for offering great service and excellent value for money, backed by our guarantee of quality and high standards of fair dealings.


From our base in India, we regularly deal with hundreds of customers from around the world providing them prompt and efficient international service to any country.


We now offer our catalog online. Users will recognize the same familiar format with extra features making it even easier to order direct online.


We believe that India Crafts is about more than delighting and exciting our customers with our products and services. While working hard to develop our infrastructure and organization, we believe that the quality of our products depends on the quality of our employees.


We believe that by viewing our skilled workforce as essential assets, we can continue our activities into the future as a corporation trusted and cherished throughout the world.


Our Success results from your satisfaction, belief, word of mouth and praise.


Thank you.



- Team India Crafts